Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services
Middletown Public Schools proudly operates its own Food and Nutrition Services department, instead of contracting with an outside food service company. This internal structure allows for us to be responsive to the needs of our students and families.
Questions, ideas? Email us at food-nutrition@mpsct.org
Free School Meals for All MPS Students during the 2024-2025 school year. Scroll down to learn more.
For a summary of the Nutritional Basics for School Meal Programs click HERE.
Catering Services Brochure
Food And Nutrition Board of Education Approved Policies:
Free Breakfast & Free Lunch
Middletown Public Schools is proud to provide all its students (K-12) with FREE breakfast and FREE lunch during the 2024-2025 school year.
We are happy to provide free meals for all students through participation in the Community Eligibility Provisions (CEP) of the National School Lunch Program for school year 2024-2025. We look forward to serving nutritious and delicious meals to all of our students throughout the upcoming school year. Learn more about the CEP here.
CEP Notification Letters for Families (2024-2025):

Farm to School in Middletown Public Schools
Middletown Public Schools promotes supporting locally grown and sourced products in a variety of ways. See how we are elevating our Child Nutrition Programs below:
Beman Middle School Farm to School Video:
Healthy Foods in Schools and Wellness Policy
Connecticut Nutrition Standards: The Connecticut State Department of Education requires all School Food Authorities (SFA's) to adhere to strict nutrition guidelines that exceed the requirements of the USDA. Middletown Public Schools is proud to meet or exceed all of the Connecticut Nutrition Standards which can be found here.
Request to Serve Outside Food: If you are a staff member or parent looking to serve food to students from outside the School's Cafeteria please complete the form here. Check out our information on Creating a Healthy School Environment under our Food and Nutrition Information section below which includes resources on Non-Food Celebrations, Fundraisers and Healthy Celebrations.
Healthy Food In Schools Quick Resource Guide
Wellness Advisory Council:
Triennial Wellness Review 2022
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes SY 2024-2025
Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes SY 2023-2024
Our Goals and Partners

Elevate! and Weekend Backpack Program (Free weekend food)
Middletown Public Schools partners with the Amazing Grace Cost Free Community Market to provide free food for students for the weekend:
What do we offer?:
All free food offered in our weekend food program is reviewed by our Director of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services as well as a team of dietetic students to ensure items offered meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards.
Items include protein offerings, fresh produce and some snack foods for students to enjoy
How can students participate in the program?
Elementary Schools: Please contact your school's main office for information on how your student can receive free food for the weekend. Pre-bagged free food is distributed on the last day of the school week throughout the school year.
Beman Middle School: Pre-bagged free food is distributed on the last day of the school week throughout the school year during dismissal
Middletown High: The "Snack Shack" is open in the cafeteria on Fridays during all lunch waves for students to select free food items.
Food & Nutrition Information & Documents
Cafeteria Lead Contact Information By School
Questions concerning your child(ren)'s cafeteria experience? Please contact your school's Cafeteria Lead for assistance. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Office of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services below
School Name | Cafeteria Lead | |
Middletown High School | Jennifer Sanford | |
Beman Middle School | Jennifer Krapf | |
Bielefield Elementary | Christine Chasser | |
Farm Hill Elementary | Dawn Frame | |
Lawrence Elementary | Natasha Buttram | |
Macdonough Elementary | Kerstin Puorro | |
Moody Elementary | Ellen Quadarella | |
Snow Elementary | Micayla Gervais (acting) | gervaism@mpsct.org |
Spencer Elementary | Elizabeth Canzoni | |
Wesley Elementary | Sally Warzecha |
Office of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services
Central Office - Annex B
372 Hunting Hill Avenue
Middletown, CT 06457
Call: 860-704-4519
Middletown Public Schools
Office of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services
Office Email: food-nutrition@mpsct.org
Randall Mel, Jr.
Director of Food, Nutrition and Wellness Services Vice President of the School Nutrition Association of CT (SNACT)
Erin Thazhampallath
Food and Nutrition Services Accounts Clerk III